
What is

A small online vintage knife shop launched in December of 2023 and located in Vancouver, WA USA.

How does acquire inventory?

We search garage sales, thrift stores, pawn shops, estate sales, junk shops, and pretty much anywhere a person is likely to find these forgotten treasures.

Where are site information and disclosures located?

I’m encountering errors on the site, who do I contact?

Please include any text copied from displayed errors. Including the page title, or URL where the error was encountered.
If sending an email, including a screen capture may help us correct the error in a timely manner.

Do I need to sign up for PayPal payments to use this site?

  • No PayPal account is required.
  • We accept Credit and Debit Cards, using PayPal as our transaction processor.
  • Venmo and PayPal account payments are accepted through PayPal for customer convenience.

How old do I need to be to make a purchase on

  • Customers must be 18 years or older to make a purchase on this site.
  • Parent or Guardian must submit orders and payments for anyone under the defined age limit.