Colonial Cutlery: Knives in Early American History.

Colonial Cutlery: Knives in Early American History. Introduction: In the formative years of what would become the United States, knives were indispensable tools that played a vital role in the daily lives of early colonists. As settlers ventured into the unexplored wilderness, the reliability…

Crafting Tools from Earth: The Art of Native American Stone Blades.

Crafting Tools from Earth: The Art of Native American Stone Blades. Introduction: Long before the arrival of European settlers, Native American tribes across North America mastered the art of crafting tools and weapons from the earth itself. One of the most ingenious and enduring…

Blades of the Samurai: Unveiling the History of Japanese Knives.

Blades of the Samurai: Unveiling the History of Japanese Knives. Introduction: The history of Japanese knives is a tale woven with craftsmanship, tradition, and an enduring commitment to excellence. Originating from a culture that reveres the blade as both a tool and a work…

E. C. Simmons Keen Kutter Cutlery and Tools

E. C. Simmons Keen Kutter Cutlery and Tools Introduction: E. C. Simmons, the man behind the renowned Keen Kutter brand, left an indelible mark on the world of cutlery and tools. Established in the late 19th century, the Keen Kutter name became synonymous with…

A Nostalgic Journey: The History and Enduring Appeal of Boy Scout Knives.

A Nostalgic Journey: The History and Enduring Appeal of Boy Scout Knives. Origins and Evolution: The history of Boy Scout knives traces back to the early 20th century when the Boy Scouts of America recognized the need for a versatile and practical tool for…
